Artful Adornments to Enhance Your Slumber Space: Elevate Your Bedroom with Stunning Above-Bed Creations

bedroom art above bed

Elevate Your Bedroom Decor with Art Masterpieces for Above the Bed

Bedrooms are havens of tranquility where we seek rest and rejuvenation. But often, the space above our beds remains bare or adorned with uninspired decor. It's time to transform this area into a work of art that enriches the ambiance and sets the tone for a restful night's sleep.

While choosing the perfect artwork for above the bed can be a daunting task, it presents a unique opportunity to express your personality, evoke emotions, and create a focal point that elevates the entire room. Whether you prefer abstract paintings, serene landscapes, or intimate photographs, the right artwork can create an unforgettable visual statement that draws the eye and inspires the soul.

Choosing the Perfect Artwork

When selecting artwork for above the bed, consider the following factors:

  • Size: The artwork should be proportionate to the size of your bed and the wall space above it. A large piece can overwhelm a small bed, while a small piece can appear insignificant over a king-sized mattress.
  • Theme: Select artwork that complements the overall decor of your bedroom. If you have a traditional-style room, opt for classic paintings or prints. For a more modern space, consider contemporary or abstract works.
  • Colors: Choose artwork that incorporates colors that enhance the existing color scheme in your bedroom. Vibrant hues can energize the space, while calming colors can promote relaxation.

Creating a Masterpiece Gallery

For a more dynamic look, consider creating a gallery wall above the bed. This allows you to display multiple pieces of art in varying sizes and styles. Arrange the artwork in a balanced and symmetrical manner, with the largest piece in the center and smaller pieces surrounding it.

Remember, the artwork you choose for above your bed will set the tone for your bedroom. By carefully considering the factors discussed above, you can create a stunning focal point that transforms your sleep space into a sanctuary of beauty and inspiration.

Bedroom Art Above Bed: A Personal Touch to Your Sanctuary

Creating a Personal Oasis

The bedroom is a haven for rest, relaxation, and solitude. Adorning it with meaningful and visually appealing artwork can transform it into a sanctuary that reflects your personality and style. Artwork above the bed serves as a focal point, setting the tone for the entire room.

The Right Size and Placement

The size and placement of the artwork are crucial. Measure the distance between the bed and the ceiling to determine the ideal size. Generally, the art should be 2/3 the width of the headboard. Position it at least 6-12 inches above the headboard for a cohesive look.

Choosing the Right Style and Theme

The style and theme of the artwork should complement the overall decor of the bedroom. For a serene and calming atmosphere, consider abstract pieces with soft colors and gentle brushstrokes. For a more vibrant and energetic ambiance, choose artwork with bold patterns or dynamic compositions.

Meaningful and Inspiring Images

Beyond aesthetics, choose artwork that resonates with you on a personal level. It could be a photograph that captures a cherished memory, a painting that evokes emotions, or a print with an inspirational quote. Surround yourself with images that uplift, motivate, and inspire.

Image Sources and Inspiration

  • Pinterest: Explore countless images of bedroom art above bed to gather inspiration for your own space.
  • Online Art Galleries: Browse a wide selection of artwork by talented artists from all over the world.
  • Local Art Exhibitions: Attend art shows to discover unique and local artists.

Artwork with a Story

Each piece of artwork above the bed should tell a story. It could be the story of how you acquired it, the artist who created it, or the emotions it evokes within you. Remember, the art in your bedroom is a reflection of your journey and experiences.

Consider Lighting

Proper lighting can enhance the impact of the artwork above the bed. Place a bedside lamp or mount a wall sconce to illuminate the piece. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can damage the artwork over time.

Accessorize with Pillows and Throws

Complementary pillows and throws can bring additional visual interest and texture to the bed. Choose throws with patterns or colors that complement the artwork, and add pillows with different shapes and sizes to create a dynamic and welcoming space.

Maintaining a Clean Display

Keep the artwork above the bed clean to preserve its beauty. Regularly dust and wipe the surface with a soft cloth. If the artwork is framed, clean the glass or acrylic carefully to avoid scratching.


Bedroom art above bed is an essential element in creating a personalized and inviting sleep sanctuary. By carefully selecting the size, style, theme, and placement of the artwork, you can transform your bedroom into a space that reflects your unique personality and aspirations. Remember to choose meaningful and inspiring images that evoke positive emotions and enhance your overall well-being.

Video Best Bedroom Decor: Ideas For Decorating Above Your Bed